European and international cooperation

This section contains information on the HDPA's European and international cooperation.

The HDPA participates in the European Data Protection Board for the purpose of the consistent implementation of the GDPR and Directive 2016/680 as well as the cooperation between the national supervisory authorities.

The HDPA also participates in joint supervisory authorities and coordination groups for the supervision of the EU large scale IT systems such as the Schengen II, the Visa Information System VIS, Eurodac, Europol and the Customs Information System CIS. To this end, the HDPA cooperates with the European Data Protection Supervisor and the national supervisory authorities. In particular, the HDPA participates in the Schengen Information System II Supervision Coordination Group, The Visa Information System Supervision Coordination Group, the Eurodac Supervision Coordination Group, the Customs Information System Supervision Coordination Group, the Customs Joint Supervisory Authority and the Europol Cooperation Board.

Additionally, the HDPA participates in international bodies such as the Global Privacy Assembly and the European Conference of Data Protection Authorities. It also participates in international and European working groups such as the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications (IWGDPT) and the Working Group on the exchange of experiences from examining cases related to personal data protection (Case handling workshop).